Raccoons wash their front paws and food before ingestion. Due to their love of water and frequent habitation of areas near lakes and streams, raccoons are also drawn to swimming pools. These mammals are drawn to water for various reasons, including the ability to swim and their famous habit of “ washing their food“. So eating raccoons and other animals nearby will be easy. Alligators can only be found close to water sources, which also happen to be raccoons’ preferred same habitats. Raccoons and alligators coexist from North Carolina to Texas. Alligatorsĭo you ever wonder how raccoons and alligators come into contact with one another? Their diet consists mainly of fish, but they will also eat small mammals, such as rabbits, squirrels, and raccoons. Bald EagleĪ North American species of an eagle with a wingspan of up to 8.2 feet and weight of up to 15 pounds are slightly smaller than golden eagles. Their diet consists of rabbits, squirrels, marmots, ground-nesting birds, mice, lizards, and snakes. They have a wingspan of about 7.5 feet and can weigh up to 15 pounds. The golden eagle is a ubiquitous bird in North America, Europe, and Asia. Their diet consists mainly of small mammals, including rabbits, skunks, and raccoons. A great horned owl has a wingspan of up to 5 feet and can weigh up to 4 pounds. They can be found in much of the Americas. Some of the raptors that hunt and eat raccoons include: Great Horned Owls Their vision is also very keen, allowing them to spot potential meals from far away. They have huge, powerful talons to kill their game before eating and powerful beaks that can crush their prey. Like eagles, birds of prey or raptors have a massive wingspan extending up to 8 feet. The vast majority of raccoons are hefty, so obviously, predators of raccoons are large birds that can effectively grasp and consume them. They’ll also eat a smaller raccoon if the opportunity arises. Bobcats have sharp teeth that they use when they encounter raccoons in the wild. They are habitat generalists and can mostly live in woodlands, coastal swamps, deserts, and scrubland. Bobcatsīobcats are common in North America. According to authorities, mountain lions are to blame for killing raccoons. In Golden, Colorado, reports of raccoon carcasses in yards have surfaced. Their natural habitat is in rock crevices, steep valleys, or mountains in areas where there are deer.

Mountain lions can be found from sea level to heights of 10,000 feet in both coastal forests and deserts. These powerful predators hunt alone and use their stealth and speed to take down their prey. In North America, this includes mountain lions, pumas, and bobcats. One of the most common wild predators of other raccoons is large cats. Here are some of the major predators or animal predators that prey on raccoons: Large Cats Given their short average life span, they serve as a food source for common predators. Although this is part of the natural order of things, some creatures, like adult raccoons or juvenile males, nevertheless face challenges in surviving due to their small size. Let’s take a look at the wide variety of critters that think of raccoons as a tasty snack! Predators That Eat Raccoonsīeing a small animal in the wild is difficult since many natural predators nearby are more robust, faster, and fiercer. While raccoons are not considered to be a threatened or endangered species, they do have predators that prey on them.